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All-in-one public infrastructure projects planning, procurement and management application with automation, intelligence and collaboration.

Civit’s CivitINFRA is a web-based application for efficiently managing the lifecycle of public works projects by local and state governments including waterworks, roads, bridges, buildings and infrastructure facilities. From planning and procurement to execution and management, CivitINFRA replaces the existing manual, siloed and paper-based process of managing public infrastructure projects with an automated, intelligent, transparent, and integrated software.

  • Elimination of silos, paper-based processes and inefficiencies
  • Improved efficiency with a single system to manage every function of public works projects
  • Substantial increase in productivity of government agency with automated and connected processes
  • Improved inter-departmental and contactors collaboration
  • Complete transparency for compliance and accountability
  • Faster completion of projects with automated workflow, communications and integration
  • 360-degree operational, financial and project health insights to keep project timeline and cost overruns in check
  • Seamless integration with agency systems and IoT applications delivering a single version of the truth


All-in-one public infrastructure projects planning, procurement and management application with automation, intelligence and collaboration.

Civit’s CivitINFRA is a web-based application for efficiently managing the lifecycle of public works projects by local and state governments including waterworks, roads, bridges, buildings and infrastructure facilities. From planning and procurement to execution and management, CivitINFRA replaces the existing manual, siloed and paper-based process of managing public infrastructure projects with an automated, intelligent, transparent, and integrated software.

  • Elimination of silos, paper-based processes and inefficiencies
  • Improved efficiency with a single system to manage every function of public works projects
  • Substantial increase in productivity of government agency with automated and connected processes
  • Improved inter-departmental and contactors collaboration
  • Complete transparency for compliance and accountability
  • Faster completion of projects with automated workflow, communications and integration
  • 360-degree operational, financial and project health insights to keep project timeline and cost overruns in check
  • Seamless integration with agency systems and IoT applications delivering a single version of the truth

Empowering local and state government to create smart communities

  • Agency and project-specific budget
    creation & allocation
  • Materials rate management and
    single place update
  • Automated Bill of Materials (BOM)
  • Intelligent material procurement
  • Tender planning & management
  • Assets & building materials inventory
  • Project health monitoring
  • Configurable workflow with audit-
  • Centralized accounting & billing
  • Centralized documents
  • Built-in customizable materials
  • Cost impact analysis
  • Project-specific cost impact
  • Monthly cash-flow planning
  • Contract award and contractors
  • Project scheduling, tracking &
  • Built-in communication triggers
  • Seamless team collaboration and
  • GIS, third-party systems and IoT
  • 360-degree analytics & reporting
    across projects

Budgeting and cost estimates

Achieve greater accuracy in creating and allocating budgets across agency projects and keep a tight control on costs. Plan, manage and track budget vs actual cost for every project.

Built-in material library with real-time rate and cost impact analysis

Detailed cost analysis for every project using a built-in and customizable library of materials and real-time item rates. Automated cost and BOM (bill of materials) generated for every project with cost impact analysis of rate variation and increase over the life of the project.

Intelligent material procurement schedule and cash-flow planning

Based on the project completion target timeline, the software recommends monthly material procurement schedule and required cash flow for effective financial planning and keeping projects on track.


Built-in material library with real-time rate and cost impact analysis

Detailed cost analysis for every project using built-in and customizable library of materials and real-time item rates. Automated cost and BOM (bill of materials) generated for every project with cost impact analysis of rate variation and increase over the life of the project.

Intelligent material procurement schedule and cash-flow planning

Based on the project completion target timeline, the software recommends monthly material procurement schedule and required cash flow for effective financial planning and keeping projects on track.


Tender planning and management

Prepare and issue multiple tenders for a single project or across multiple projects. Centrally manage all tenders efficiently from a single touch-point.

Contract award and contractors management

Built-in workflow automates review and approval of tenders and awarding contracts. A single place for maintaining and managing contractor profiles, staff details, rates, contract documents, timelines, and disciplinary actions.

Assets and inventory management

Bring greater efficiency in infrastructure projects with built-in assets and inventory management models.


Assets and inventory management

Bring greater efficiency in infrastructure projects with built-in assets and inventory management models.


GIS integration

Get a holistic view of your urban development initiatives and plans with GIS integration.

Project scheduling, monitoring, and management

Achieve greater control over your project’s lifecycle with improved project scheduling, monitoring, and management. Built-in intelligent triggers indicate schedule overruns and its impact on project timelines and related costs to ensure timely completion of projects.

Workflow and approval management

Built-in workflow automates every process for review, approval and updating data with audit-trail to realign your workflows and make your staff productive.

Centralized document management

No more lost documents in emails or physical file folders. All project-centric and universal documents across projects are digitally managed in a single location accessible by the right people any time from anywhere.


Project scheduling, monitoring, and management

Achieve greater control over your project’s lifecycle with improved project scheduling, monitoring, and management. Built-in intelligent triggers indicate schedule overruns and its impact on project timelines and related costs to ensure timely completion of projects.

Workflow and approval management

Built-in workflow automates every process for review, approval and updating data with audit-trail to realign your workflows and make your staff productive.

Centralized document management

No more lost documents in emails or physical file folders. All project-centric and universal documents across projects are digitally managed in a single location accessible by right people any time from anywhere.


Accounting and billing

Built-in accounting and billing system with statutory registers, grants management, expenditure monitoring, cash-flow management, finances, invoicing, and payments.

Analytics and reporting

Gain deep insights into every aspect of infrastructure projects like never before through the integration of all data points throughout the project’s lifecycle.


Analytics and reporting

Gain deep insights into every aspect of infrastructure projects like never before through the integration of all data points throughout the project’s lifecycle.


Get started.
Make infrastructure projects digital and smart.

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